Too many microsites

Microsites Pump Marketing SolutionsToo Many Microsites

Help, they are all competing with each other

Customer’s Objectives

Our client’s immediate goal was to determine if the company should maintain industry-specific microsites or combine the microsites into one main site.


After conducting discovery with our client to find out why they went down the path of microsites, we learned that an SEO company sold them on the concept of microsites but failed to mention the enormous amount of time and resource needed to properly search engine optimize and maintain these 6 separate sites. Our client felt they had been “burned” by SEO organizations who did not understand their business, so they were reluctant to outsource the work. When we approached our client, it became apparent that our industry knowledge and modular approach to SEO and web marketing would be a perfect fit. We started slowly and followed our standard practice of using data to drive website improvement projects.

Our first task was to complete a thorough website audit to serve as a baseline for decisions regarding the microsite situation and future improvement projects. The audit helped us understand monthly traffic for each site, the search terms driving traffic to the sites, how the sites were competing with each other, page bounce rates, traffic flow, and competitive data.

Project Outcome

The data quickly showed that our client’s website and its microsites were in direct competition for search results, which was diluting the effectiveness of each of the sites. The data helped them make the decision to develop one main site, but keep the microsite URLs for future marketing landing pages. This decision will lead to a stronger, focused website that will drive new traffic.

We also created a monthly reporting system to track site statistics that will help make future site changes and improvements data driven.

Working with Pump Marketing Solutions has been a breath of fresh air. After four months of frustration with another SEO outfit, I was never able to reach a point where I felt like they understood my needs or where meaningful change was happening. I felt like they were trying to make my needs fit their service. From the first phone call, working with Keith and Michelle was a completely different experience. I felt like they really wanted to understand the unique needs of my company. Rather than a big “team” of supposed specialists that I never get to talk to, they personally have the skills to help me understand and make changes. I knew my sites could be better but didn’t have the direction to achieve improvements on my own. After only two months with Pump Marketing Solutions, I know my site is already performing better and I see a clear path to ongoing improvements. I always say that I love to love my vendors. Pump Marketing Solutions is quickly becoming one of my favorite checks to write each month because of the value they are providing to my business.
Mark Ashurst

Varna Products

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